RPS personnel are well-versed in the EAM and Reliability arena and possess a wealth of industry-related experience. Our Team has in-depth process knowledge in a variety of verticals and has hands-on experience working face-to-face with customers in a problem solving capacity.

Embarking on a journey to improve your Asset Management performance will be a challenging series of tasks. Many elements are involved in this endeavor that will take priority during your program implementation. A key fact to remember is the importance of sustainability that serves as the foundation for continuous improvements. Implementing a technical solution with work processes and SOPs are primary elements that require regular review and refinement. This fact is often overlooked once a system is implemented and end-users are trained on how to navigate through a CMMS or EAM application.

Powerful database systems are put into place to capture information that can, when analyzed, provide a scientific means to enact new procedures. Unfortunately, most organizations miss this component and never realize the potential for effective means to implement good changes, much less receive any return-on-investment in terms of time and dollars spent, as well as opportunity costs.

At RPS, we strive to enter into a long-term relationship with every customer to assist through the entire lifecycle of your Asset Management initiatives. Because organizational life can be dynamic, none of us know what’s around the curve. You can trust RPS to accompany you for the entire journey so we can stay on the tracks as you roll forward.

    Since real and effective dialog is critical to solving problems and implementing changes, send us a message or call us today so we can begin a conversation. We certainly welcome the opportunity to discuss at length the issues and challenges you continue to experience.

    If we cannot offer a solution, we can connect with any of our alliance partners who may be able to assist. You can reach us via the following:

    RPS Office : 386-263-8134